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VIETLIST.US dành Trang Cộng Đồng để đăng tải tin tức, thông báo của Cộng Đồng và các Hội Đoàn người Việt Quốc Gia hoàn toàn miễn phí. Xin vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi tại: vietlist09@yahoo.com hay 408-824-2505


Tin tức từ văn phòng nghị viên Kansen Chu gởi cho Vietlist.us.


Councilmember Kansen Chu | San Jose City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street 18th Floor | San Jose, CA 95113
tel. (408) 535-4904 | fax (408) 292-6459 | district4@sanjoseca.gov | www.sanjoseca.gov/district4

Dear Tran,

District 4 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
Please join me for the District 4 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch on Saturday, January 14, 2012, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Berryessa Community Center.  This event will recognize all volunteers and community partners and to celebrate the New Year. Please click here to view the flyer.  I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!

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San Jose City Hall Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
San Jose City Hall and other City offices, along with the Berryessa Community Center, will be closed on Monday, January 16 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  All City offices will reopen on Tuesday, January 17.  The Police and Fire Departments, along with other critical City services, will remain unaffected by the closure.  All City libraries will be closed and will resume regular hours on Tuesday, January 17. The City's Customer Contact Center will be closed on this City-observed holiday. An answering service will provide information and assistance to callers during the holiday. Non-emergency requests requiring follow-up will be routed to the proper department and handled during open business hours.

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Keeping SAN JOSE CLEAN is Now Just a Click Away
The City of San Jose’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services and the Anti-Graffiti/Anti-Litter Program launched a free SAN JOSE CLEAN application on Thursday, January 12, 2012 that allows residents with smartphones to point, click and send photos and reports of graffiti, litter and city park conditions directly to City staff.

These applications also allow users to choose an option to receive updates on the status of their request.  Both the Android application and iPhone application are now available for the public to download to their smartphone.

For Android-type Phone Users
Download the application from the Droid Market by searching for the keyword "San Jose Clean" and then click on SAN JOSE CLEAN.

For iPhone Users
Download the SAN JOSE CLEAN application from the iPhone App Store by searching for the keyword "San Jose Clean" and selecting SAN JOSE CLEAN.

The SAN JOSE CLEAN application was developed by App-Order at no cost to the City.

Residents can still continue to report graffiti to the Anti-Graffiti Program by email at antigraffiti@sanjoseca.gov or by phone at (866) 249-0543. Litter can also be reported by email to antigraffiti@sanjoseca.gov or by phone at (408) 277-3208. City park conditions can still be reported by email to parkconcerns@sanjoseca.gov or by phone at (408) 794-5510.

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Spotlight on City Services: Report a Street Light Outage
Streetlight wire theft has been on the increase and is one of a few major factors causing a growing backlog of streetlight outages across the City. Wire theft occurrences in District 4 tallied at 31 in 2010-2011. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is using available resources to address and discourage these occurrences, including coordination with the Police Department and outreach to the community. Additional resources will be required to address the remaining locations in need of repair and this request will be considered as part of the Mid-Year Budget Process. 

During the fall and winter seasons, outages are reported at a higher rate which results in a growing backlog of streetlight outages - both for routine bulb replacements and more complex electrical repairs. Unfortunately, due to the type of issues and longer repair timeframes, some residents are experiencing frustration with the length of time to complete more complex repairs. Staff is prioritizing certain repairs and evaluating maintenance practices to address the backlog in as timely a manner as possible. They are assigning priority for repairs to locations based on safety considerations as well as the number of lights impacted at a given location; using repair techniques that minimize the likelihood of reoccurrence in the same location.

It is important that residents and businesses be vigilant in informing the Police Department if they suspect potential wire theft from the City’s streetlight system. Only uniformed City of San Jose maintenance personnel, using City vehicles that have the City’s identifiable logo, are authorized to work on the City’s streetlights. If any member of the public suspects that unauthorized individuals are engaged in activity on the City’s streetlight system, they should immediately call 911 and provide the Police Department with a description of the location, the vehicle and license number, and the individuals involved. For more information, please click here.

To report a street light outage, follow the procedures below:

I. Obtain Information
1. Street light pole number, located on streetlight pole at eye level facing the street (an alphabet letter is located in the middle of the number).
2. Street name and address where street light is located. Indicate if pole is in front of, across from, or in-between the address given.
3. Nearest cross street.
4. Your name, spelling (if calling) and day time phone number.

II. Report Information to any one of the following:
1. Street Light Recording Phone Number: (408) 794-1903. The recording is available to you 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week and messages are transcribed each business day.
2. Voice Mail: (408) 277-5571. Speak slowly and clearly and give all necessary information.
3. E-mail: street.lights@sanjoseca.gov
4. Fax: (408) 277-3164 (include your daytime phone #)

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work2future Green Cadre Program
work2future provides young adult leaders with opportunities for success through technical skill training, job readiness, education and work experience with an emphasis on conservation and civic service to benefit their community.  The Green Cadre Program provides a supportive and enriching environment for young adult leaders to help them develop self esteem, achieve their educational goals, establish and pursue life and career goals and gain skills necessary to become self-motivated, self-sufficient, responsible citizens who will positively contribute to their communities and society.  For more information, please click here.

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Bank of America Student Leader Deadline on January 25, 2012
Bank of America’s Student Leaders Program is a week-long summit in Washington, D.C. and an eight-week paid summer internship at a local nonprofit.  If you are interested in making a positive impact in your community, I encourage you to sign up.  You will connect with other community-minded students and experience how nonprofits, business and government can cooperate to improve community.  The deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 25, 2012.  For more details or to apply, please click here.

To be considered as a Student Leader, you must:

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Contacting the District 4 Office
My office is available to answer questions, receive ideas and suggestions, and solve problems and issues. If you have something that you would like to bring to my attention or something that you would like to discuss with me, please do not hesitate to contact my office or email me. You can also visit the  District 4 website  for more information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

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District 4 Calendar of Events

2012 MLK Liberation
Film Festival

Friday, January 13, 2012 

1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
San Jose City Hall Council Chambers
200 E Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113

The Northern California Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Foundation is proud to present the MLK Liberation Film Festival. This is the Inaugural festival that will be screening documentaries and feature films that touch on the themes Dr. King spoke of and espoused. To view the flyer, please click here.
District 4 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch

Saturday, January 14, 2012 

11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Berryessa Community Center
3050 Berryessa Road 
San Jose, CA 95132

Please join us for the District 4 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch to recognize volunteers and to celebrate the New Year.  For more information or to RSVP by Thursday, January 12, 2012, please contact Anh Tran at (408) 535-4904 or emaildistrict4@sanjoseca.gov.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Monday, January 16, 2012

San Jose City Hall Closed
2012 Freedom Train Ride

Monday, January 16, 2012

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Rod Diridon Train Station
65 Cahill Street
San Jose, CA 95110

Boarding at the Rod Diridon Train Station, 65 Cahill Street, San Jose, CA 95110, begins at 9:00 a.m. and departs promptly at 9:30 a.m.  The cost to ride the Freedom Train is only $10.00 per person. The $10.00 Freedom Train Ticket is a round trip ticket that allows you to take any train back from San Francisco on the day of the Freedom Train only. Freedom Train Tickets cannot be purchased from the train stations.  You may either purchase them on Brown Paper Tickets or from the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Association table on the day of the event at Diridon Station in San Jose, before 9:15 a.m.  For more information, please call (408) 861-5323, or email Kathleen Flynn at vicepresidentmlkscv@yahoo.com.
Homebuyer Workshop

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Berryessa Branch Library
3355 Noble Avenue
San Jose, CA 95132

The Housing Trust of Santa Clara County and the San Jose NSP2 Consortium invite you to attend a workshop to learn more about the Purchase Assistance Loan (PAL) program. For more information, please click here.
Public Meeting: City Boards and Commissions Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
San Jose City Hall West Wing Community Rooms
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113
6th Annual Neighborhood Associations and Youth Commission Priority Setting Session

Saturday, January 21, 2012

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
San Jose City Hall
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Discuss and provide input on priorities for the City’s 2012-2013 Operating Budget.  Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 18, 2012 by 5:00 p.m.  Seating is limited.  For more information or to RSVP, please contact Ernest Guzman at (408) 535-8171 or e-mail at ernest.guzman@sanjoseca.gov.
Dormant Fruit Tree Pruning

Saturday, January 21, 2012

9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Guadalupe Gardens – Historic Orchard
438 Coleman Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110

Join Guadalupe River Park Conservancy and learn how to prune fruit trees.  For more information, please click here or call 408-298-7657.  Cost is $10/members and $15/non-members.

P.A.R.T.I Program: High Impact Workshop

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen Valley College
3095 Yerba Buena Road 
San Jose, CA 95135

This is a free workshop and health fair for high school and middle school students.  Topics include: scholarships and financial aide preparation, A-G Requirement, and networking.  For more information, please contact Positive Alternative Recreation Teambuilding Impact Program (P.A.R.T.I.) at (408) 561-4664 or email partisquad@yahoo.com.
Club Auto Sport – Open Door Series: 2012 Tax Update & Planning

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 

4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Club Auto Sport
521 Charcot Avenue 
San Jose, CA 95131

Please join Club Auto Sport for a social opportunity for Silicon Valley professionals. This month's topic will be 2012 tax planning.  Come learn what laws are changing and how to best position your business.  For more information, please click here.

Mabury/Commodore Park Community Meeting

Thursday, January 26, 2012

6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Vinci Park Elementary School – Multi Purpose Room
1311 Vinci Park Way
San Jose, CA 95131

To view the flyer, please click here.

Public Meeting: City Boards and Commissions Friday, January 27, 2012

1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
San Jose City Hall West Wing Community Rooms
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Public Meeting: City Boards and Commissions Monday, January 30, 2012

6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
San Jose City Hall West Wing Community Rooms
200 East Santa Clara Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Dog Park Community Meeting

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Berryessa Branch Library – Community Room
3355 Noble Avenue
San Jose, CA 95132

To view the flyer, please click here.


The 2012 State of the City Address

Thursday, February 9, 2012

6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
San Jose Civic Auditorium
135 West San Carlos Street
San Jose, CA 95113

The City of San Jose cordially invites you to the 2012 State of the City Address.  In addition to the Mayor's annual speech, the event will honor outstanding citizens from each Council District and exemplary city employees.  Seating is limited and there is no charge for this year’s event.  To RSVP or for more event information, pleaseclick here.

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Please pass along this information to anyone who you think might be interested.

For the most up-to-date calendar of District 4 events, please visit:

Councilmember Kansen Chu | San Jose City Hall | 200 East Santa Clara Street 18th Floor | San Jose, CA 95113
tel. (408) 535-4904 | fax (408) 292-6459 | www.sanjoseca.gov/district4







Hình chụp của 1 phóng viên Liên Xô: Một cảnh đấu tố tại miền Bắc có hình thờ các lãnh tụ Cộng sản được treo trên cao. Trong hình một thanh niên có vẽ có học thức, đang bị Cộng Sản đấu tố. Cán bộ Cộng Sản ngồi trên bàn chủ tọa. Nông dân nghèo được khích động, hứa hẹn chia của và huấn luyện sẵn để đánh đập, sỉ vả, kết tội người bị đấu tố.
Người bị đấu tố sắp bị bắn


Người bị đấu tố vừa bị bắn chết trước sự chứng kiến của dân chúng. Tài sản người bị đấu tố thường bị tịch thu, gia đình người bị đấu tố bị đuổi ra khỏi nhà. Thân nhân bị cô lập, không được hành nghề, không được làm mướn. Hàng triệu người miền Bắc là nạn nhân của Cộng Sản, đã sống trong tình trạng đói khổ, cùng quẩn suốt cuộc đời. Phần lớn những người bị đấu tố chỉ là những nông dân giỏi, khá giả nhờ vào tài sức của mình. Họ đã bị giết chết, bị cướp đọat tài sản một cách oan uổng




Mỗi khi bộ đội Cộng sản đến đâu là người dân miền Nam ùn ùn bỏ chạy để lánh nạn Cộng Sản. Hình ảnh trên đây chụp cảnh dân chúng thành phố Đà nẳng chạy nạn Cộng Sản khi miền Trung thất thủ đầu năm 1975.


Những hình ảnh đẹp của Cộng Đồng Việt Nam

Lá cờ vàng Việt Nam được chính quyền địa phương vinh danh và luôn được đồng bào trân trọng trong mọi lễ hội

Lá cờ vàng Việt Nam được chính quyền địa phương vinh danh và luôn được đồng bào trân trọng trong mọi lễ hội






Lá cờ vàng Việt Nam được chính quyền địa phương vinh danh và luôn được đồng bào trân trọng trong mọi lễ hội

Lá cờ vàng Việt Nam được chính quyền địa phương vinh danh và luôn được đồng bào trân trọng trong mọi lễ hội


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