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Demonstrations, protests, marches etc. ALL AROUND THE WORLD on the TIBETAN NATIONAL UPRISING DAY Wednesday, MARCH 10, 2010.

Check the posters and the links below.

PLEASE JOIN A PROTEST IN YOUR COUNTRY, participate in a demonstration, raise the Tibetan flag that day etc... UNITED we stand for Tibet!


Thanks a lot for your participation!









Herdenking Tibetaanse Volksopstand op 10 maart

Op 10 maart wordt de Herdenking van de Tibetaanse volksopstand voor de Chinese Ambassade in Den Haag georganiseerd. Kom ook naar de herdenking!

14.00 uur Verzamelen op 't Plein in Den Haag
14.15 uur Vertrek tocht naar de Chinese Ambassade
15-16 uur Herdenking bij de Chinese Ambassade, Adriaan Goekooplaan

Speciaal busvervoer vanaf Amsterdam CS naar Den Haag om 12.30. Opgeven voor de bus via de mail thom@tibet.nu Dit e-mail adres is beschermd tegen spambots, u heeft Javascript nodig om het te kunnen zien. of via tel: 020-3308265

Op 10 maart wordt de Herdenking van de Tibetaanse volksopstand voor de Chinese Ambassade in Den Haag georganiseerd door de Tibetaanse Gemeenschap in Nederland, de Tibet Support Groep en de International Campaign for Tibet.

tibet51 jaar geleden vond op 10 maart 1959 in Lhasa de Tibetaanse Volksopstand plaats tegen de Chinese bezetting en onderdrukking van Tibet. Deze opstand werd bloedig door het Chinese Volksbevrijdingsleger neergeslagen, waarna de Dalai Lama, zijn land ontvluchtte en duizenden Tibetanen volgden hem in ballingschap.

Als gevolg van de bezetting hebben duizenden Tibetanen hun leven verloren. De Tibetanen vormen door de enorme toestroom van Chinezen naar Tibet inmiddels een minderheid in eigen land. Ze worden gediscrimineerd, economisch gemarginaliseerd en hebben geen vrijheid van meningsuiting en godsdienst.

Na de ongekende voorjaarsprotesten in 2008 in Tibet tegen de Chinese overheersing, verhullen de Chinese autoriteiten de martelingen, verdwijningen en sterfgevallen die in Tibet plaatsvinden. Vandaag de dag riskeren Tibetanen nog steeds gevangenschap en marteling wanneer ze hun steun uitdrukken aan de Dalai Lama.

In januari 2010 vond na een onderbreking van vijftien maanden, de 9de dialoogronde plaats tussen afgezanten van de Dalai Lama en de Chinese regering. Om een concrete uitkomst te bewerkstelligen is steun van de internationale gemeenschap noodzakelijk. De ontmoeting met president Barack Obama en de Dalai Lama in februari zou de Europese leiders moeten inspireren een coherent EU-beleid op te stellen dat de Dalai Lama steunt bij zijn inspanningen voor een geweldloze oplossing voor Tibet.

De Tibetaanse Gemeenschap NL, de Tibet Support Groep NL en International Campaign for Tibet dringen bij de Chinese regering aan op:

• Onvoorwaardelijke vrijlating van de politieke gevangenen in Tibet
• Toelaten van een onafhankelijke internationale waarnemer tot Tibet
• Behalen van concrete resultaten in de Chinees-Tibetaanse-dialoog
• Respecteren van de Tibetaanse cultuur en het milieu



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March 10th 2010: Because We Are Tibetan
Join the 51st Commemoration of the 1959 Tibetan National Uprising

On March 10th, Tibetans and Tibet supporters around the world will take to the streets to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan National Uprising against China’s illegal occupation, when the Dalai Lama was forced to flee into exile. Read more about the 1959 Uprising.

Find a March 10th protest or rally near you.
Download March 10th Materials & Resources.

March 10th: Because We are Tibetan

tibetIn spite of China's brutal repression, there is a powerful new movement growing in Tibet. Tibetans – especially the younger generation – are finding creative, new ways to assert their identity and culture. Their defiance is a true testament to the strength and resolve of the Tibetan spirit of resistance. Read more about this new movement.

This March 10th, please take action to help amplify the voices of Tibetans inside Tibet and China and send them messages of solidarity from around the world.

1) Record a video message(s) in the lead up to or on March 10th (during the protest/rally). Your video could include:

* Ask Tibetans to express what makes them Tibetan. (View "I am Tibetan" - Video from Amdo, Tibet. View SFT India's "I am Tibetan" video) If possible, record people speaking in front of famous landmarks (ie. London bridge, Golden Gate bridge, India Gate, etc).
* Ask people to send messages of support to Tibetans inside Tibet and China. How have their actions inspired you? How do you continue to assert your Tibetan identity in exile? Why do you support the Tibetan freedom movement?
* Ask people to hold a photo of a political prisoner (ie. Norzin Wangmo, Paljor Norbu etc) and send a message to that individual describing how their actions have inspired people worldwide. What makes them a hero? Download photos from FreeTibetanHeroes.org

Upload your video to youtube.com or vimeo.com and spread the link on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, websites and other internet/social networking sites. The more widespread the videos are the easier it will be for Tibetans inside Tibet and China to view. Please also send your video link to grassroots@studentsforafreetibet.org and we will upload to the SFT Blog.

2)Organize a petition drive for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche to mirror the actions by Tibetans in eastern Tibet who collected 40,000 signatures for his release.

* tibetSet a goal for how many petition signatures you will collect by March 10th (the global goal is 40,000 signatures and we're about half way there!).
* Collect petition signatures at your local March 10th protest/march. Download the petition.
* Set-up a booth in a high traffic area on campus or in your community. Ask people to sign the online petition or print the petition for people to sign.

3) Raise the Tibetan Flag on campus or in your community.
tibetDuring the 2008 Uprising in Tibet, it was deeply inspiring to see Tibetans inside Tibet carrying homemade flags in the streets and hoisting the Tibetan flag on top of Chinese government buildings and flagpoles. Download a Flag Raising guide.

* On March 10th, raise or display the Tibetan flag on your roof, in your widow, in your workplace, on your car or bicycle.
* Organize a flag raising ceremony and upload photos and/or video to the M10: Raise the Flag Facebook page as well as your own Facebook page, Twitter, blogs, websites etc.

Voices of Tibetans inside Tibet and China:

"I am Tibetan" - Video from Amdo, Tibet (eastern Tibet)

I Am Tibetan (w English subtitles) from HPeaks on Vimeo.

"I am Tibetan" - Poem by Woeser (highly acclaimed Tibetan writer & poet living in Beijing). The poem has been translated into English on HighPeaksPureEarth. View the original on Woeser's blog.

High Peaks Pure Earth's blog post on the upsurge in online activity by Tibetan netizens about being Tibetan and Tibetan identity

Petition for the Release of Tenzin Delek. In December 2009, relatives of incarcerated Tibetan Buddhist leader Tenzin Delek Rinpoche attempted to deliver petitions signed by 40,000 Tibetans in Tenzin Delek’s community – many signatures being in the form of thumbprints – to the Chinese authorities in Beijing.

Leaving Fear Behind. The remarkable documentary released in 2008 profiling interviews with Tibetans inside Tibet speaking about the Dalai Lama, the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and their lives under Chinese rule.
Undercover in Tibet: Tibetan nomads speak out. An excerpt from BBC Dispatches: Undercover in Tibet. Tashi, a Tibetan living in exile, interviews Tibetan nomads who have been forced to settle in prison-style housing block.




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