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VIETLIST.US dành Trang Cộng Đồng để đăng tải tin tức, thông báo của Cộng Đồng và các Hội Đoàn người Việt Quốc Gia hoàn toàn miễn phí . Xin vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi tại: vietlist09@yahoo.com


Please remove the bloody Viet Cong's flag as soon as possible

Dear webmaster,

I would like to bring up to your attention a very grave misapplication of country flag as language translation icon on your website.

Please click on the below link:


At the bottom, for Vietnamese language, the flag of Communist Vietnam is being used as icon for Vietnamese language:


Since all Vietnamese Americans living in Los Angeles metropolitan now were originally refugees from the Vietnamese Communist regime, it is brutally offensive for Vietnamese Americans in Los Angeles to see the flag as a symbol for our language icon. More importantly, most Vietnamese Americans here do not have any affinity to that flag. I would urge you to replace it with a more appropriate symbol, some, might I suggest, is below attached.

Sincerely yours,

Norman Truong



Vinh Danh Cờ Vàng của Dân Tộc Việt Nam

Vinh Danh Cờ Vàng của Dân Tộc Việt Nam

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